Palace of the Signatures:
Here you can find allot of fantasy images sorted out into, creatures, males and females.
You can also choose out a variaty of fonts and let the image you choose be made into signatures that you can use on message boards.
You can reach this site here
The prophets enclave:
The prophets enclave consist actually two pages, the first is "Nathan Rahl's Terry Goodkind page", here you can find all sorts of information about the great fantasy author Terry Goodkind and his books.
The second page is the official Dutch Terry Goodkind fanclub, if you're dutch and like Terry Goodkind this is THE place to go, it's small now but it's going to be big with allot of members.
You can reach this site here
For all of the fantasy lovers this is the site to be, it has almost everything you would want.
A book section, an art section, a game section and much more.
There is also a message board with lots of fun people who always would love to meat other fantasy lovers.
visit this site here
This is the official Terry Goodkind site.
You can find all information you would ever want to know about Terry Goodkind and his boomks here, and if you can't find it on the page you can always ask on the message board where there are tons of people who will be glad to answer your question. You can also visit the message board just to talk to other people who love Terry Goodkind's work.
On prophets-inc you hear the news the fastest.
You can find this site here
Magic the gathering:
fore all of the magic lovers you can go to this site with all of your<
questions tips and evn deck ideas. this site is filled with info about:
how the make the cards, storys, and the history of magic the gathering.
you should visit thhe site here
Krovikan's place
if you want to know somthing about me you should look at tis site